Veronica Millsap, pictured above with dog, Betty White, began working as a certified veterinary technician in Zoological medicine in September 2020.
Describe your role at the college.
I’m a certified veterinary technician working in the Zoological Medicine department. I work with appointments for the various client owned zoological companion animal species we see, help with Miller Park Zoo and Scovill Zoo visits, as well as providing any support needed for the Wildlife Medicine Clinic. I do everything from assisting with exams, blood draws, radiographs, anesthesia and more.
Have you held any previous titles or responsibilities at the college?
No, this is my first employment with the university.
What is your favorite part of your job?
Being able to work with animals is a given. But in addition to that, I love the endless learning opportunities. The variety of species that we work with, as well as the advanced diagnostics and referrals we perform always provides me with new opportunities to learn. Teaching the students is also very rewarding and another avenue for which I can still find personal growth.
Complete this sentence: My most memorable day at work was…
The first day I was able to visit Miller Park Zoo was also the day we had scheduled the snow leopard exams. I love all cats, and non-domestic felids are especially amazing, so this was a very fun experience!

What do you enjoy doing in your free time? What is something your co-workers may be surprised to know about you?
I love to be outside – I especially enjoy hiking, kayaking, and gardening. I otherwise like to be a homebody – reading, knitting, or watercolor painting. One thing my co-workers might not know about me is that prior to going to tech school, I was an art major here at the University of Illinois.
Do you have a favorite restaurant or place in the Champaign/Urbana area?
If I ever moved out of the area, I know that the first place I would miss is Jarling’s.
Do you have any pets?
I currently have a dog, Betty White, and two cats, Edie and Stevie.
Which is your favorite, orange or blue?
Blue! Teal, more specifically.