Message from the Dean

Chicago Outreach in Action

Dr. Ana Valbuena, Dr. Amanda Hampton, and CVT Crystal Redinger at the Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences

This message will appear in the Chicago Veterinary Medical Association Bulletin.

Last fall Dr. Ana Valbuena, one of the veterinarians at our Medical District Veterinary Clinic, officially took on a 20% appointment to spearhead outreach activities in Chicago. At that time, I shared news of several initial activities, including visits to STEM-focused high schools and bringing Chicago high school students to our college’s annual Open House.

I’m pleased to update you with events planned for this spring that extend the goals of making veterinary medicine more accessible, educational, and inclusive for people in Chicago. An exciting development is that Dr. Amanda Hampton, who previously held a part-time appointment working with Dr. Valbuena on outreach, has recently joined the veterinary staff at our Medical District clinic full-time and will continue working on outreach programming as 10% of her appointment.

Spay-a-Thon: Expanding Access to Veterinary Care

On Saturday, April 26, (which is also World Veterinary Day), we are hosting our first annual Spay-a-Thon. This event unites the Chicago outreach team with the college’s community medicine program, run by Dr. Laura Frazier, and two local shelter partners, One Tail at a Time and Tree House Humane Society.

Volunteers from One Tail at a Time animal rescue in Chicago after an event with University of Illinois veterinary community medicine program.
Dr. Laura Frazier (second from left, standing), who leads the college’s community medicine program, poses with volunteers from One Tail at a Time after a successful outreach day in Chicago in 2024.

“We are helping to reduce pet overpopulation while ensuring that every animal receives high-quality veterinary care,” says Dr. Valbuena. “By offering low-cost spay/neuter services, we aim to support local pet owners and rescue organizations while training future veterinarians and veterinary technicians.”

The shelter partners will recruit pet owners for the event and collect any fees. The team seeks to sterilize 30 dogs and up to 50 cats during the day.

Chicago-based ‘Open House’: Strengthening Community Connections

Aspiring veterinarians at the Chicago high schools that our team has been visiting will be invited into our clinic to get an inside look at our profession in early June. Students will tour the facility and meet members of our veterinary team, learn about preventative care and the role of veterinary professionals in keeping pets healthy, and ask their questions about veterinary school, careers, and more.

Our Medical District clinic also offers a shadowing program in which high school, pre-vet and veterinary students gain experience through observation and case discussions with practicing veterinarians in a real-world setting.

“Veterinary medicine remains a predominantly white profession, and increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion is essential for the future of our field,” says Dr. Valbuena. “Through outreach, mentorship, and hands-on experiences, we aim to support students from all backgrounds in their journey toward veterinary medicine.”

Seeking Partners from CVMA

Our outreach team in Chicago welcomes the partnership of area clinics and veterinary professionals in efforts to expand opportunities for students, pet owners, and underserved communities.

“Whether through student mentorship, hosting educational events, or partnering on outreach initiatives, every effort helps strengthen the future of veterinary medicine,” says Dr. Valbuena. “By working together, we can increase access to veterinary care, support aspiring professionals, and build a more inclusive field.”

Interested in collaborating or need guidance on starting similar programs? Please reach out to Dr. Valbuena at “We’re happy to share resources, insights, and support,” she says. “Let’s work together to make a lasting impact!”

Note: The photo at the top of the page was taken at the Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences during a visit from Dr. Ana Valbuena, Dr. Amanda Hampton, and Crystal Redinger, certified veterinary technician, from our Medical District Veterinary Clinic.