Rose Paul joined the College’s Human Resources as an office support associate in April 2022.
When did you begin working at the College of Veterinary Medicine?
I’ve just finished my first year at the College of Veterinary Medicine. I started April 18, 2022, kickstarting my career in Human Resources.
Describe your role at the college.
I work in Human Resources (HR) as an Office Support Associate but hope to one day be an HR Associate. I process new hires and assist with onboarding forms, appointment changes, vacation and sick time requests, and various other duties. Every chance I get, I walk over to the other buildings to catch a glimpse of the animals. I love them all!
Have you held any previous titles or responsibilities at the College?
This is my first position with the University of Illinois, though I hope it won’t be my last. As I complete my degree my hope is to move up the ladder until I eventually reach management.
What is your favorite part of your job?
There are many things I enjoy and can without a doubt say the University is one of the best places I’ve ever worked. I’ve held a variety of jobs with other companies, and none quite compared to the U of I. If I had to choose my favorite thing it might be the number of opportunities that are offered within the community. For example, when Veterinary Medicine employees, family, and friends, walked in the Pride Parade. Also, the 5K Road Race for Animals that my dog and I participated in. It’s a great opportunity getting involved in the community.
Another gratifying aspect of my job is the chance to meet new people and assist with their onboarding. It’s a similar duty I had when working in the Navy.
Complete this sentence: My most memorable day at work was…
…my first day! Every day has been different, but on my first day I received a tour of the buildings, all of them, and I was able to pet a horse, saw some birds, and other pets throughout the buildings.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I love spending time with my pets. I have five! I’ll take the dogs for walks, and because of their age difference, the older one can’t go for as long as the younger one. After the walks I’ll sit on the couch for a bit and cuddle with the cats while the dogs play. Sometimes the younger cat will join the dogs. I find new ways to make my lizard enclosure more interesting for him, so he doesn’t get bored and feels comfortable. I also enjoy the outdoors so in the summers I’ll take my younger dog hiking. I’m hoping to train him to be able to sit still on a kayak so we can enjoy the river too.
What is something your co-workers may be surprised to know about you?
I’m an open book and often overshare. I guess something not so common is my salt and pepper shaker collection. I have over 100 sets!
What is one thing on your bucket list?
I would love to own a dog park, but not just any dog park. I have a whole idea of an all-inclusive dog park with separate parts for different reasons, including a run and activity park on a smaller scale that can be rented by the hour, separate from the others, for dogs that aren’t as friendly towards other people or pets. I feel that it’s important that reactive animals get the same opportunities in life as other animals. However, if we’re talking about something more obtainable, then I’d have to say visit Europe.
Do you have a favorite restaurant or place in the Champaign/Urbana area?
I have many, as a foodie it would be difficult to pick. Golden Wok on University is phenomenal, but so is Sticky Rice on Neil. A little further outside Champaign in Mahomet is Lake of the Woods. My dog and I love walking there.
Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?
Something carbonated. It could be soda, water, anything. There’s something about those little bubbles I can’t live without!
Do you have any pets?
Oh yeah, five! I’ve got two dogs, two cats, and a leopard gecko. My first pet was Meowdith (we call her Grey), she’s a 7-year-old tabby medium hair. She’s also the most particular member of the home. Next, I got Sonny, a 3-year-old Eurohound who is the life of the party. I bring him most places with me, and he loves everyone and everything! After Sonny I adopted Todd, a 1-year-old tuxedo short hair, and he’s the one making my hair go gray faster. He’s so curious and mischievous! Then I rescued Alice, the 11-year-old leopard gecko. He is my first ever lizard and I think it’s going well. He now has a fully bioactive enclosure and I’ve seen major improvements. Just recently I rescued Sahara, a 12-year-old American Pitbull Terrier, my old girl. She’s fit in wonderfully with everyone else and I couldn’t have asked for a better dog. I think I’m done adopting and rescuing for right now, but I do also foster and offer pet sitting services so it’s always a zoo at my house.