Krystal Newberry (left), pictured above with dog, Jodie, and wife, Dr. Hadley Gleason, began working as the Wellness Program Coordinator in September 2022.
When did you begin working at the College of Veterinary Medicine?
January 2016
Describe your role at the college.
My role as the Wellness Program Coordinator is to support faculty and staff in a crisis situation. My main goal is to improve the culture within and encourage a positive wellbeing throughout our college. You might find me sharing emails involving self-care ideas, hosting small events to get groups of people together, or providing mediation if requested. Additionally, I will assist with supporting Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) clients with their grieving and mourning process after the death of a pet, when needed.
Have you held any previous titles or responsibilities at the college?
My first position at the VTH was as a Certified Veterinary Technician in the Small Animal Intensive Care Unit in 2016. Shortly after, I switched positions to work in the Small Animal Emergency Department. This is where my love for veterinary medicine blossomed into becoming a huge part of my life, not just a career. In September 2022, I transitioned to working as the Wellness Program Coordinator in the Veterinary Clinical Medicine department.
What is your favorite part of your job?
My favorite part of my job is to be a safe and confidential person for someone to reach out to in a time of need. I hold myself to a high standard when it comes to confidentiality. And the best part is seeing the relief in someone’s face and body posture once they have shared something that was weighing them down. Seeing all of the cute patients around the hospital is an added bonus!
Complete this sentence: My most memorable day at work was…
…when I was working in the Small Animal ER and received a call from our Client Services that we had a “stat triage.” I ran up to the reception area to find an English Bulldog puppy. For those who don’t know me, I love English Bulldogs. This little puppy was very stable upon admission. When I brought the patient back to the ER, I had a huge smile on my face and was practically in tears I was so excited. I think the puppy was in someone’s arms the whole time it was in the hospital.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
In my free time I enjoy tending to my house plants, working out, reading, traveling, and enjoying outdoor activities such as hiking or camping when the weather is nice. I also love spending as much time as possible with my wife and my fur babies.
What is something your co-workers may be surprised to know about you?
One of my favorite jobs prior to working at the University of Illinois was at a local gas station in my hometown. I always enjoyed catching up with our locals and hearing about their lives.
What is one thing on your bucket list?
I would love to see the Northern Lights!
Do you have a favorite restaurant or place in the Champaign/Urbana area?
I love Watson’s Shack & Rail in downtown Champaign. Their fries? Incredible.
Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?
The one thing I could not go a day without is coffee. I appreciate the flavor, warmth, and body which has become my number one desire for starting my day. I also consider a peaceful moment with a cup of coffee to be one of my self-care acts for the day.
Do you have any pets?
I have a cat named Cora and a dog named Jodie. They were both adopted through rescues and have found their way into our hearts! I cannot imagine life without them.