Kim Knap, Rehabilitation Specialist at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, began working at the university in 2001.
When did you begin working at the College of Veterinary Medicine?
I started here in May of 2001.
Describe your role at the college.
I am a Rehabilitation Specialist and am in charge of our Rehabilitation Clinical Service, Teaching about rehabilitation and clinical rotations.
Have you held any previous titles or responsibilities at the college?
I started in orthopedics as a technician.
What is your favorite part of your job?
I can’t pick a favorite. It is a three way tie: I love working with so many brilliant people, interacting with the clients as they become like family, and teaching the eager minds.
Complete this sentence: My most memorable day at work was…
… the day I found out I had won the American Humane Hero Veterinary Technician award in 2016. It was a nationwide award that took me to Hollywood to walk the red carpet.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I run and exercise, manage my son’s music shows and love anything outdoors.
What is something your co-workers may be surprised to know about you?
I can be perfectly still at times.
What is one thing on your bucket list?
A trip to Italy with my kids.
Do you have a favorite restaurant or place in the Champaign/Urbana area?
I am a pretty big fan of Billy Barooz Pub and Grill.
Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?
Fresh air/the outdoors.
Do you have any pets?
Yes, we have two dogs (Stella and Dixie) and a cat (Tripp) but have had everything from rats and goats to cows and horses over the years.