WMC Blog

Looking to the Future

41 years ago, the Wildlife Medical Clinic began operation at the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital. While the program started small, in the following years the WMC would grow to treat over 2,000 patients…
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A Visit to the Wildlife Medical Clinic

https://www.facebook.com/ciliving/videos/648236295697004/UzpfSTYxNDA1ODg5MzI4OjEwMTU3NTUxMDk0MDQ0MzI5/ If you’ve ever brought an injured or sick animal to the Wildlife Medical Clinic, you might wonder what we do for our patients. Our student-run facility takes care of these animals much like your…
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[American crow]

West Nile Virus Affects People and Animals

Every summer in Illinois, infections with West Nile virus undoubtably make the news. Spread by mosquitoes, West Nile virus may cause flu-like symptoms in otherwise healthy adults; however, those who are immunocompromised suffer more severe…
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[Ruby the Red-tailed Hawk poses outside]

The Lady in Red: Meet Ruby!

By Mary Kate Feldner, University of Illinois veterinary student We are proud to officially announce the addition of Ruby, a red-tailed hawk, to the resident ambassador team at the Wildlife Medical Clinic! After months of…
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For the Love of all of our Furry Friends

The Wildlife Medical Clinic is sponsored today by Randy and Patricia Rushing in celebration of their beautiful, loving golden retriever, Granger.   May Granger find peace and happiness in the spiritual realm. ❤️❤️ This is the second…
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In Memory of Isabella

Thank you to Randy and Patricia Rushing for sponsoring a day at the Wildlife Medical Clinic.  They chose to sponsor July 21st, in honor of Isabella, their beautiful golden retriever.  The Rushings chose this day…
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Rachel wears draped scrubs

Dress to (not) Impress

BY: Kristen Braitkrus UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Who is this weirdo wearing a sheet, surgical mask, and gloves and what are they doing with that needle? Believe it or not, this is…
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garter snake

SSssssssssssnake 101

BY: Monica Liszka UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE As the weather warms up, you may encounter a surprising native resident of Illinois: snakes! Illinois is home to over 30 species of snakes, most…
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bird eating from feeder

For the Birds: The Ins and Outs of Bird Feeders

Warmer weather means more opportunities to get outside and enjoy all the wonderful nature that Illinois has to offer. Having a bird feeder in your yard can attract any number of songbirds and provide ample opportunities for bird watching.

Boneyard Creek Community Day 2019

Boneyard Creek Community Day is an event held one Saturday every April in Scott Park in Champaign. The purpose of this day is to “promote appreciation, stewardship, and naturalizing of our local stream corridors.” 2019…
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