Check out our 2024 Annual Report to see all that we accomplished in the past year!

2024 WEL Wildlife Annual Report

The Wildlife Epidemiology Lab within the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Illinois offers formal and informal training opportunities for veterinarians and veterinary students.

Student Blogs

Eastern Box Turtle Team

Maris: I am a DVM/PhD student in WEL entering the third year of my PhD which focuses on the health of confiscated eastern box turtles. This is my third summer being a Turtle Team Leader!

My name is Shari, and I am an incoming third-year veterinary student at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine. I aspire to one day be a zoo veterinarian! This summer I will be conducting viral disease surveillance in box turtles.

Ornate Box Turtles

Erika is a rising second-year DVM student who is interested in zoological and conservation medicine. Her research will be on herpesviruses in ornate box turtles in Illinois this summer!

Maddie is a rising second-year veterinary student researching health parameters in ornate box turtles by surveying proteins in the blood!

Cook County Aquatics Team

Jaime is a rising second-year veterinary student researching vitamin D and calcium levels in turtles in Cook County, IL.

Katelyn is a rising third year veterinary student interested in zoological medicine and will be conducting research this summer on the seasonality of health assessments in Painted Turtles!

Lake County Aquatics’s Team

Javelis is a rising second-year vet student from Puerto Rico interested in wildlife conservation medicine. This summer she is conducting research on the body condition index (BCI) of adult female Blanding’s turtles during their reproductive cycle.
Marg is a rising third year student from Illinois who is interested in pursuing avian and reptile medicine. She is excited to be out with the turtles for a second summer!

Kane County Aquatics‘s Team

Carly is from southern Illinois and an upcoming second year at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine.

Surina is a rising third year veterinary medical student hoping to specialize in zoological and aquatic medicine.

Walder Turtle Project’s Team

My name is Maddy, a first year with the Wildlife Epi Lab this year! I am interested in Zoo and Wildlife, mainly of the aquatic variety. I will be rotating around the Chicagoland area sampling turtles under the Walder Turtle Project! Stay tuned for my fun and adventure packed blog for 2024 summer!