Message From Dean Constable And Committee Chair

  • Peter Constable

Dean: Dr. Peter Constable

Christine Dietrich and her staff in our Office of Advancement perform the important work of helping our generous donors identify ways to support the mission of our college. Scholarships for veterinary students are a rewarding and much-needed outcome of that work. Today we bring scholarship creators and scholarship recipients together. This is a

  • Dr. Russhawn Aldridge

Committee Chair: Dr. Russhawn Aldridge

Welcome to the All Orange and Blue College of Veterinary Medicine Awards and Scholarships Celebration 2022. On behalf of the Awards and Scholarship Committee, I would like to express our gratitude for the generous alumni and friends who have sponsored awards and scholarships this year. We also thank our advancement team for their efforts to bring this special

Keynote Speaker

Awards & Scholarships

Scholarships A-C

Scholarships D-K

Scholarships L-Q

Scholarships R-Z

Student’s Thank You Videos

Spotlight on New Scholarships

Kremer Telemedicine

Stateline Spay/Neuter & Education Scholarship Fund

Meet Our Students!

We know you miss interacting with students when we celebrate “virtually,” so please enjoy these photos of scholarship winners who were recently featured on the college’s social media channels.

Want to learn more about their Illinois Vet Med experience and their future career goals?

Just follow us on Facebook and Instagram to check out the “Student Spotlight” posts every Sunday and the “Student Vets and Their Pets” posts on Tuesdays!

The Awards & Scholarships Selection Committee

Dr. Russhawn Aldridge

Dr. Russhawn Aldridge
Veterinary Clinical Medicine

Christine Dietrich

Christine Dietrich
Assistant Dean of Advancement, Ex-officio

Dr. Jonathan Foreman

Dr. Jonathan Foreman
Associate Dean, Academic Student Affairs, Ex-officio

Dr. Makoto Inoue

Dr. Makoto Inoue
Comparative Biosciences

Dr. Gee Lau

Dr. Gee Lau

Dr. Jonathan Samuelson

Dr. Jonathan Samuelson
Veterinary Clinical Medicine

Dr. Danielle Strahl-Heldreth

Dr. Danielle Strahl-Heldreth
Veterinary Clinical Medicine

Dr. Bo Wang

Dr. Bo Wang
Comparative Biosciences

Dr. Weiping Zhang

Dr. Weiping Zhang

Meet the Dean & the CVM Advancement Team

Begin a scholarship or support the college TODAY!

Dr. Peter Constable

Dr. Peter Constable

Christine Dietrich and Bella

Christine Dietrich
Assistant Dean of Advancement

David Hamilton

David Hamilton
Associate Director of Advancement

Billy Hinderer

Billy Hinderer
Office Support Associate

Bob Nelson

Bob Nelson
Office Support Specialist

Ginger Passalacqua

Ginger Passalacqua
Associate Director of Advancement

Paige Roytek and pups

Paige Roytek
Assistant Director of Advancement

Give Now!


Give Now!

Give Now

Additional Thanks To

Academic and Student Affairs Office

Advancement Office

Dean’s Office

Design Group @ Vet Med

Finance Office

Marketing and Communications Office

Awards & Scholarships Downloads