Endocrine, Developmental & Reproductive Toxicology Training Program

The University of Illinois’ Research Training Program in Toxicology and Environmental Health is a part of the larger, campus-wide Interdisciplinary Environmental Toxicology Program (IETP), which provides toxicology training to students and postdoctoral fellows trained in basic sciences such as endocrinology and reproductive biology. Our program is ideal for students who are interested in applying their basic knowledge in four areas of toxicological research:  reproductive/endocrine toxicology, neurotoxicology, nutritional toxicology, and nanotoxicology. The Research Training Program is a T32 NIEHS Environmental Toxicology Training Program.




Interdisciplinary Environmental Toxicology Program (IETP)

The IETP Program at the University of Illinois provides individuals from many disciplines with a basic understanding of the complex interactions between chemicals and living organisms. Created in 1984, it combines the highest standards of scholarship with a flexible program that enables graduate students from departments and colleges across the campus to specialize in this exciting field.

What is IETP?

Students in biology, chemistry, engineering, entomology, microbiology, neurosciences, nutrition, physiology, veterinary medical sciences and other graduate programs at the University of Illinois may specialize in environmental toxicology. The program is rigorous, demanding that students fulfill the degree requirements of their own departments as well as the additional requirements of the program. The program includes course work in toxicology and an interdisciplinary seminar series that features guest speakers from academia, industry and government. The student’s independent thesis or dissertation research must address a toxicological problem.

For admittance into the program, students apply to a participating department and contact one of the program’s faculty about serving as a research advisor. Graduate students who believe their research will benefit from being associated with the program should discuss this possibility with their advisors, regardless of whether the advisor or department is associated with the program.


The following faculty, listed alphabetically, participate in the Interdisciplinary Environmental Toxicology program by teaching courses that meet program requirements, engaging in research on toxicology-related subjects, advising graduate students, and participating in a variety of program activities on a voluntary basis. Names and photos are linked to corresponding webpages.

Seminar Series

Interdisciplinary Environmental Toxicology Program Seminar Series

Fall 2024 IETP Seminar Series Schedule


Current Students


Stipends for predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees are for two years (one-year, renewable pending satisfactory performance).

Predoctoral Trainees

  • The Stipend is $28,224 per year
  • Tuition and some fees are covered
  • Travel allowance ($500) to a scientific meeting

Postdoctoral Trainees

  • Travel allowance ($600) to a scientific meeting
  • Subject to funding availability and current stipend scales as dictated by NIH.
  • Stipends depend upon years of experience:
  • 0 — $61,008
  • 1 — $61,428
  • 2 — $61,884
  • 3 — $64,356
  • 4 — $66,492
  • 5 — $68,964
  • 6 — $71,532
  • 7 or more — $74,088



Systems Toxicology
CB 554 (3 hrs.): This course is designed to provide an overview of the effects of chemicals and their mechanisms of action in a variety of organ systems. Topics include toxicology of the nervous, developmental, reproductive, thyroid, renal, hepatic, immune, pulmonary, and gastrointestinal system. Offered Spring of odd years.

Ethics in Toxicology
CB 552 (2 hrs.): Emphasis on ethical issues in the practice of toxicological research: collaboration, authorship and plagiarism, professional responsibility to subjects (both human and animal), whistle-blowing, codes of ethics, legal obligations. Featuring case studies. Offered Fall of even years.

Interdisciplinary Toxicology Seminar
CB 596 (1 hr. every semester): Topics will vary each semester. Seminars are presented by faculty, visiting lecturers, and students based upon their study, research, and/or professional activities in the selected topic area. Same as ENVS 596, and PATH 596. See PATH 596. Offered Fall and Spring ever year.

(6 hours or 2 units) Specific courses will depend on requirements of advisor’s home department.

(3 hours) Specific courses will depend on requirements of advisor’s home department.

Basic Toxicology
CB448, ENVS 480 (3 hours): Emphasis on physiology and biochemistry of intoxication; discusses the types of cellular response to toxic compounds and the role of species variation in toxic responses.


And one or more of the following:

CB 551                        Ecotoxicology in the Northern Hemisphere
CB/ENVS 514           Neurotoxicology
CB/ENVS 516           Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology
CHLH 572                 Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health
CHLH 578                 Applied Epidemiology
CHLH 576                 Analytic Epidemiology
ENVS 469                  Environmental Health
ENVS 491                   Sustainability Experience
FSHN 575                  Issues in Food Safety
MCB 529                    Scientific Writing
NUTR 550                 Grantsmanship and Ethics
PATH548                   Toxicologic Pathology


CB449 Basic Toxicology (Same as CPSC 433, FSHN 480, and ENVS 480) – Offered Fall semester every year
ENVS 516 Reproductive & Developmental Toxicology (Same as CB 516) – Offered Spring of even years
CB 514 Neurotoxicology (Same as ENVS 514, and PSYC 515) – Offered Spring of odd years
ENVS 469 Environmental Health (Same as CHLH 469) – Graduate level offered in Spring semesters
CB 467 Regulatory Pharmacology & Toxicology – Offered Spring of odd years
CB 551 Ecotoxicology in the Northern Hemisphere – Offered each Fall semester
CB 467 Neurotoxicology (Same as ENVS 514, and PSYC 515) – Offered Spring of odd years
NUTR 550 – Grantsmanship & Ethics
BIOCHEM/CHEM – 6 hours or 2 units
Biostatistics – 3 hours, specific course will vary, depending on your home department

You may learn more about each course through the University Course Catalog.


Let us know if you have any questions about our programs
Jodi Flaws, Director

College of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Comparative Biosciences
3223 Comparative Biosciences
Urbana, Illinois 61802
Phone: 217-333-7933
Email: jflaws@illinois.edu

Susan Schantz, Associate Director

Department of Comparative Biosciences
Beckman Institute
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
405 N Matthews Aveune
Urbana, Illinois 61801
Phone: 217-333-6230
Email: schantz@illinois.edu

Synthia Lane, Program Coordinator

Toxicology Training
Beckman Institute
405 N. Mathews Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801
Email: sjlane@illinois.edu