Hi! My name is Katy Klein, and I am a rising third year veterinary student. This summer I am co-leading Turtle Team, a health surveillance program monitoring the  Eastern Box Turtle (EBT) population.  As well, I am investigating the use of two anti-coagulants, lithium heparin and EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid),  and their impact on bloodwork. I am so excited for this opportunity, and I cannot wait for field work to start up!









Hey everyone! I’m Brina Gartlan and this summer I’ll be leading Turtle Team with Katy. In addition to leading and teaching other veterinary students about the largest box turtle project to date, I will be evaluating ocular health of the wild caught EBTs. Data like intraocular pressures, tear production, iris color, and fluorescene staining will be recorded. I am thrilled to have the chance to work in the field along side amazing veterinarians and veterinary students!