About 24easternboxturtles

Maris: I am a DVM/PhD student in WEL entering the third year of my PhD which focuses on the health of confiscated eastern box turtles. This is my third summer being a Turtle Team Leader! My name is Shari, and I am an incoming third-year veterinary student at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine. I aspire to one day be a zoo veterinarian! This summer I will be conducting viral disease surveillance in box turtles.

Turtle Team Week 4: Easterns vs Ornates

The majority of field sites we go to have either Eastern box turtles or Ornate box turtles. However, we went to a site last week that had both. Here is how you differentiate between the two species: Eastern box turtles Ornate box turtles Scientific Name Terrapene carolina carolina Terrapene ornata ornata Native Range   (Todd, [...]

Turtle Team Week 4: Easterns vs Ornates2024-06-10T16:56:53-05:00

Turtle Team Week 3: Performing a Physical Exam

An essential part of our health assessment of each individual turtle is performing a physical exam! Physical exams can give us a lot of information, so they are therefore very important. While performing a physical exam, it is important that you maintain the same process each time, so that you do not miss anything. It [...]

Turtle Team Week 3: Performing a Physical Exam2024-06-10T12:43:18-05:00

Turtle Team Week 2: Working With Working Dogs

Working dogs play an important role in many aspects of our society. The canine intelligence, trainability, and sense of smell is unmatched, which makes working dogs great assets to their human counterparts. In your daily life, you may see service dogs or police dogs, but have you ever heard of a turtle dog? In the [...]

Turtle Team Week 2: Working With Working Dogs2024-06-10T11:29:48-05:00

Turtle Team Week 1: A Coordinated Effort

Our first week of Turtle Team was a success! We found and worked up a total of 58 Eastern box turtles! This would not have been possible without the coordination and teamwork of all our participants. Each participant plays a valuable role in our greater effort of “Saving the world, one box turtle at a [...]

Turtle Team Week 1: A Coordinated Effort2024-06-02T19:44:32-05:00
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