This past weekend has been an extremely successful weekend for the Ko laboratory. During this conference, Radwa Barakat had two live press conferences with Endocrine Society and BBC World News discussing prenatal exposure to DEHP and its outcomes on male fertility in mice and its implication in society. In addition to being featured in BBC World News, she was also featured in Health Medicine Network and Shropshire Star. Adding to her list of achievements at this conference, she is also the winner of the ENDO travel award, outstanding abstract award, and presidential poster contest in her division of endocrine disruption.
Chris Park gave a successful oral presentation on the role of progesterone receptors in ovulation and ovulatory inflammation. Challenging questions were raised, which he addressed successfully and respectfully. Because only 5 minutes were allotted were questions, he was not able to address all questions. If you have more questions about his project or presentation, you can contact him at
Now that ENDO 2018 has ended, we have plans to attend ENDO 2019 in New Orleans. Hope to see you there!

ENDO 2018 (March 19, 2018)