How you can help gather information about ticks of public health concern in Illinois

What is the I-TICK passive surveillance program? The I-TICK, (Illinois Tick Inventory Collaboration networK), passive surveillance program is made up of a network of local hubs (ex., University of Illinois Extension Offices, County Public Health Departments, Forest Preserve Offices, etc.) and individual volunteer participants. Participants collect data on ticks in [...]


Extension KAP Survey

Seeking University of Illinois Extension Volunteers and Professionals

Are you currently working or volunteering for the University of Illinois Extension and interested in participating in a study on ticks and tick-borne diseases? The I-TICK program is hoping you will read about and consider joining the study below. Determining Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) of University of Illinois Extension Professionals on Ticks & Tickborne Diseases This is a study in collaboration with the University of Illinois Extension. This is a pre-test post-test intervention study. Our goal is to determine the knowledge and awareness of Extension professionals and volunteers regarding ticks and tickborne diseases in Illinois. The study involves completing a short survey, completing an online training module on ticks and TBDs and completing another survey. The end goal of this project is to train Extension professionals on this subject so they can disseminate the knowledge to the community. Please contact Sulagna Chakraborty (

Are you a local public health official interested in learning more about how to perform active tick surveillance in your jurisdiction?

The I-TICK program offers online active tick surveillance training.

The focus of this online training is providing you with the knowledge needed to start active tick surveillance programs within your respective jurisdictions.  You will be provided with the educational materials and training related to tick surveillance. If are interested in taking the training, click on the button labelled “Tick Surveillance Training” below. Thank you.


Tick Surveillance Training


Using small mammals to find ticks and tick-borne diseases

Did you know that you can learn about ticks and tick-borne diseases that affect people by collecting ticks and blood samples from small mammals such as mice? This is one of the active surveillance methods the I-TICK program is currently performing to learn more about ticks and tick-borne diseases [...]