Here at the Wildlife Medical Clinic, we are all gearing up for the 2022 to 2023 academic school year as these summer months come to an end. This summer we had nearly 800 different patients brought to the clinic by members of the public, and this number will only continue to grow as the school year begins. All patients were seen by fourth year veterinary students participating in the wildlife rotation, as well as four student interns, two student managers, five house officers, and three faculty members. This summer, we also welcomed two new house officers who are very excited to begin mentoring students during the academic year.

During the academic year, we have six teams of veterinary and undergraduate students that are led by 24 team leaders. Several of these team leaders have had years of experience and were student interns in the WMC. The WMC team leaders receive three days of training prior to starting the school year, and they are all very excited to be helping in the clinic this year. This is, by far, the strongest year yet for our selection of team leaders.

Our house officers and student managers have also greatly contributed to the educational experience of the clinic by creating tools for students to use. Several lectures, information sheets, and tutorial videos are prepared before the students come back for the summer. This way, the students are receiving the most optimal educational opportunities that can be provided by us at the clinic.
While I am sad this is my last year leading the clinic, it warms my heart to see the clinic will be in the good hands of my co-manager, team leaders, and student volunteers. I am very excited to see students returning to the clinic this year and on behalf of myself, my co-manager, the house officers, and faculty members, welcome back!!

Written by Chloe Dupleix, class of 2024