While most students dread saying goodbye to the long summer days spent in the sun and the exciting summer internships, here at the Wildlife Medical Clinic, we have been counting down the days until we welcomed our volunteers back. The time has finally come, and we couldn’t be more excited for this year! After the first day back in class at the College of Vet Med, I walked through the clinic and soaked in the sound of curious students asking questions, team leaders eagerly teaching new team members, and greetings from our returning volunteers. Teams of first through third-year veterinary students and University of Illinois undergraduates hit the ground running this past week as they took over the management of our patients in-house. Students did not skip a beat as they jumped in to triage incoming patients. It is a pleasant reminder of why we are all here- to learn, to teach, and to help give our patients the best chance they have. The Wildlife Medical Clinic could not possibly achieve everything that we do without the help of our volunteers. On behalf of the faculty, house officers, and managers: WELCOME BACK, EVERYONE!