This summer 14 undergraduate students had the opportunity to volunteer at the Wildlife Medical Clinic. They were able to gain valuable hands-on animal experience caring for the orphaned animals in our clinic and assist with various medical procedures!

Here are a couple students’ favorite memories from this summer:
Marrina White
“My favorite memory was getting to help with surgery on a Cooper’s hawk! I helped fourth years monitor anesthesia and learned a lot about how much work goes into performing a surgery. There was a lot more preparation than I expected and the whole process took almost 4 hours total!”

Abigail Lafferty
“This summer I had the opportunity to learn so much about wildlife medical management and saw many neat cases. There was always learning opportunities and opportunities to practice our skills. One of my favorite memories was when I got to help release a Canada goose. Riding in a car with a goose was not something I expected to be doing this summer!”
Jessica Bieller

“My time at the Wildlife Clinic this summer was something that I’ll never forget. I learned a lot of valuable information that will come in handy when I attend vet school (hopefully). My favorite experiences included getting to sit in on rounds. I learned about wildlife triage exams, different diseases that wildlife animals can present with, and so much more. The vet students, interns, and doctors are very knowledgeable, and it was amazing to be a part of those conversations. My favorite patients were the baby opossums that would come in. They were always entertaining to work with!”
Thank-you everyone for all your hard work and assistance this summer to ensure these wildlife animals received the care and attention they needed! We hope you enjoyed your time with us, and we hope you decide to return to volunteer with us soon!
Written by Aimee-Joy Hearn