Problems in Infectious Disease A case study which challenges students to order diagnostic tests to determine the cause of illness in a canine with limits to cost.
Anesthesia Machine
noliver2019-02-28T21:27:01-06:00Anesthesia Machine Students learn the basic principles of how an anesthesia machine works by interacting with the virtual anesthesia machine.
Avian Influenza
noliver2019-03-01T14:54:45-06:00Avian Influenza Zoo Preparedness Exercise The Design Group was asked to develop an online exercise for zoological personnel to respond to an outbreak of avian influenza and develop a plan of action to protect their captive wildlife population. Visit the site: FAD Response Exercise
Outbreak Investigatioin
noliver2019-02-28T21:23:11-06:00Outbreak Investigation Case study of an outbreak investigation on a poultry farm.