Happy birthday, Katie!

Today, the Wildlife Medical Clinic is sponsored by Katie Duitsman in celebration of her birthday! Katie is a long-time supporter of wildlife and the clinic. One of her favorite birthday presents is the support of a day at the clinic, which allows us to continue to provide care for sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife. Happy birthday, Katie!
To learn more about how you can make a difference for wildlife, check out our ‘giving’ tab here: https://vetmed.illinois.edu/wildlife/giving/

This snapping turtle originally presented to the clinic because a Good Samaritan had seen the fishing line and assumed there was a hook attached. On radiographs, we were surprised to find two hooks, one within the esophagus (and attached to the fishing line) and one within the stomach.
This Bald eagle is undergoing debridement of an open fracture of its wing. After several months, this patient was successfully rehabilitated and released last summer!
Happy birthday, Katie!