Five Selected Publications

1. Rudolph U, Crestani F, Benke D, Brünig I, Benson JA, Fritschy J-M, Martin JR, Bluethmann H, Möhler H.
Benzodiazepine actions mediated by specific γ-aminobutyric acidA receptor subtypes.
Nature 1999;401:796-800.

2. Engin E, Zarnowska ED, Benke D, Tsvetkov E, Sigal M, Keist R, Bolshakov VY, Pearce RA, Rudolph U
Tonic inhibitory control of dentate gyrus granule cells by α5-containing GABAA receptors reduces memory interference.
Journal of Neuroscience 2015;35:13698-13712

3. Engin E, Smith KS, Gao Y, Nagy D, Foster RA, Tsvetkov E, Keist R, Crestani F, Fritschy JM, Bolshakov VY, Hajos M, Heldt SA, Rudolph U
Modulation of anxiety and fear via distinct intrahippocampal circuits.
eLife 2016;5:e14120

4. Behlke LM, Foster RA, Liu J, Benke D, Benham RS, Nathanson A, Yee BK, Zeilhofer HU, Engin E, Rudolph U
A pharmaco-genetic “restriction-of-function” approach reveals evidence for anxiolytic-like actions mediated by α5-containing GABAA receptors in mice.
Neuropsychopharmacology 2016;41:2492-2501

5. Engin E, Benham RS, Rudolph U
An emerging circuit pharmacology of GABAA receptors.
Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 2018;39:710-732

Google Scholar: 16,150 citations, h-index 61.