Honorable mention poster

Rachel participated in the Vet Med's annual Celebration of Research with her poster on the topic of "Impact of Early Like Trauma on Autoimmune Disease Phenotype and Development via Dysregulated β1 Adrenergic Signaling".  Her poster won honorable mention with the prize of $500 for research use.  Congratulations Rachell!

2021-05-10T15:16:47-05:00May 10th, 2021|News and Events|

Rachel won the C. Ladd Prosser award!

Inoue lab's fourth year neuroscience graduate student won the 2021 C. Ladd Prosser award which recognizes the research contribution of a Graduate Student that stands out as THE BEST SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT with THE BROADEST SIGNIFICANCE for the discipline of neuroscience. Congratulations Rachel!

2021-05-10T15:12:08-05:00May 10th, 2021|News and Events|

Lab publication

Our paper “Astrocytes lure CXCR2-expressing CD4+ T cells to gray matter via TAK1-mediated chemokine production in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis” was published in PNAS. Read more at DOI: https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2017213118

2021-02-26T18:12:45-06:00February 23rd, 2021|News and Events|

Our work is featured in UIUC News Bereau

Our recently published work on the impact of early life trauma on an animal model of multiple sclerosis is featured in the news by UIUC News Bereau. Read news story: https://news.illinois.edu/view/6367/530521238 Read published article: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-20302-0

2021-01-29T17:25:20-06:00January 29th, 2021|News and Events|

Lab publication

Our paper “Early-life-trauma triggers interferon-β resistance and neurodegeneration in a multiple sclerosis model via downregulated β1-adrenergic signaling" was published in Nature Communications, 12(1), 105, in January 2021. Read more: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-20302-0

2021-02-26T18:12:31-06:00January 8th, 2021|News and Events|

Lab publication

Our paper “Induction of a higher-ordered architecture in glatiramer acetate improves its biological efficient in an animal model of multiple sclerosis” was published in Biomaterials Science. This work was featured on the cover of Biomaterials Science, Volume 8, Number 19, October 2020. Read more: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2020/BM/D0BM00957A#!divAbstract

2021-02-26T18:13:48-06:00September 30th, 2020|News and Events|

Lab publication

Our paper "Th1-Dependent Cyptococcus-Associated Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome Model with Brain Damage" was published in Frontiers in Immunology. Read more at DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.529219

2021-02-26T18:14:29-06:00September 29th, 2020|News and Events|

Lab publication

Our paper "Neutrophil-selective deletion of Cxcr2 protects against CNS neurodegeneration in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis" was published in Journal of Neuroinflammation. Volume 17, page 1-12. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12974-020-1730-y

2020-12-04T05:03:27-06:00February 4th, 2020|News and Events|
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