Theriogenology – Equine

Equine Theriogenology

About Us

Our History

Equine theriogenology is a well-established service of the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital with a prominent history.

Legendary veterinarians, including Dr. Ted Lock and Dr. Cliff Shipley, provided services and education to clients and referring veterinarians for decades.

The current staff is delighted to continue the their legacy by providing outstanding reproductive services to the community. Our experienced team has more than 30 years’ combined experience working in all horse breeds throughout the United States, Europe, South America, and the Middle East. We also work extensively with donkey breeders.


Melissa Fletcher – CVT

Certified Veterinary Technician

Jazmin Frias – MVZ

Veterinary Intern

Natalee Guevara Barnhart

Customer Service Specialist


We have 40 climate-controlled stalls, including eight foaling stalls. One breeding shed. Fully equipped with supplies and equipment to perform advanced semen evaluation, semen freezing, and embryo transfer.


  • Artificial insemination (AI)
  • Control of sexual behavior of mares and stallions
  • Foaling management
  • Management of high-risk pregnancies
  • Consult on abortion and outbreaks
  • Stallion conditioning for breeding shed
  • Management of low fertility stallions and mares
  • Embryo transfer
  • Semen collection, evaluation and shipping
  • Semen freezing and testing
  • Epididymal semen collection and freezing
  • Breeding soundness evaluation of mares and stallions
  • Investigation of poor athletic performance
  • Dystocia management
  • Management of post-partum complications



See our select breeding stallions that produce valuable foals.