The Comparative Biosciences Histology Laboratory is a departmental laboratory that provides histologic technical services and support for teaching and research projects. Work orders are also accepted from other campus departments as well as outside universities, research laboratories, and private industry.
Histology Laboratory
3419 Vet. Med. Basic Sciences Bldg.
2001 South Lincoln Avenue
Urbana, IL 61802
P: 217-333-0383
Uwe Rudolph, Dr. med., Faculty Contact
Karen Doty, Laboratory Supervisor
The following services are available through the laboratory:
- Tissue processing including fixation and dehydration
- Embedding of tissues in paraffin and plastics
- Sectioning with rotary and motorized microtomes
- Routine and special stains
- Frozen sections
- IHC techniques
- Development of special histologic techniques
A specific list of laboratory equipment is available upon request from the laboratory supervisor.
The Comparative Biosciences Histology Laboratory is operated under the guidelines of Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the College of Veterinary Medicine Safety Policy. Our rules are for your safety and the safety of others. Information and policies for submission of samples, handling of samples containing radioisotopes, sample processing procedures, billing and equipment use are available from the laboratory supervisor.
Use this link to complete the request form: