Ordering Imaging Procedures in Vetstar
Click here to download a hard copy of these instructions (Microsoft Word format)
- When Imaging procedures are entered in Vetstar, a requisition is generated that prints in the Imaging area.
- Detailed instructions on ordering procedures are in the Ordering Procedures in Vetstar page.
- Find the correct code when entering the procedure into the Charge screen.
- When searching for Imaging studies, it is helpful to narrow your search to a group (open a Window in the Code field, then click on the Group search button):
- The Imaging procedure groups are listed together under the description ‘IRT….”:
- Ultrasound and Radiograph procedures are separated into small animal (‘SA’) and large animal (‘LA’) groups.
- More detail on searching for procedure codes is in the Ordering Procedures in Vetstar page.
- Leave the completion (‘Cmp’) date and performing (‘Prf’) doctor fields blank
- Press the backspace key to clear the date if Vetstar automatically enters it. The imaging techs will enter this information after the procedure has been performed.
- The total client amount displayed near the top of the Charge screen is not updated with the cost of the item until its completion date has been entered.
- Complete the imaging request screen that appears when you press the Enter key after the last field on the procedure line, as outlined below.
Once you are in this screen, you cannot exit until you have entered all the way through to the ‘Y’ at the end. If you make a mistake, complete the screen and then call the Imaging office and ask them to delete the charge.
Advance from field to field in this screen by pressing the Enter key (using arrow and tab keys, or mouse clicking, does not yield consistent results).
- The patient weight will automatically appear in the weight field. If you have not entered the weight in the weight function, you may enter it here. Note that this weight value will not be stored in the Vetstar weight function.
- Enter the patient location if the imaging staff needs to know it.
- Enter 1 of 3 options for Priority (open a Window (F4) if you forget the codes):
- Outpatient (enter code out)
- Inpatient (enter in)
- intra-op (enter intraop)
- Enter a Y (Yes) into the Caution field if caution should be used with this patient.
- The ordering clinician and imaging procedure description are automatically populated when you press Enter through these fields. Take this opportunity to check that you have ordered the correct procedure.
- Enter a Y into this field if tranquilization is permitted.
- Enter a Y if there are previous or referral films available.
- Open a Window (F4) to add comments on this study. You may use the Notepad function as a convenient method for entering detailed information into this and the History comment screen. Press F3 or click on the green arrow icon
to exit the coment screen when finished.
- The History screen will automatically open when you enter this field. If you haven’t completed the history yet, you must enter it now in order to complete this screen. The radiologist needs this information. Press F3 or click on the green arrow
to exit.
- Enter a tentative diagnosis.
- You must complete the contact field. Please include your last name. You may enter a phone number if desired.
- Enter through the remaining fields in the screen to the "OK?" field. Enter a Y followed by the Enter key to complete the screen.
- Save completely out of the Charge screen to process your request and print your requisition. (press the F3 key or click on the Green Arrow icon
at the top of the screen).
- Do NOT delete a request after it has been entered. Vetstar sends data to the Imaging PACS system when a procedure has been ordered, but not when it has been deleted. Call the Imaging office (333-1800) if you make a mistake and they will correct it in Vetstar and the PACS.
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Updated 9/17/08 DML
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