UI CVM Vetstar Information Page
College of Veterinary Medicine*University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Entering Patient History in Vetstar

Click here to download a hard copy of these instructions (Microsoft Word format)

The patient history is a brief description on why the patient was presented to the hospital (for example, lethargic, limping, or not eating). This information is important for the Vetstar record, as well as for performing imaging and lab studies.

The history prints on the lab and imaging requisitions, and is required when completing those requests in Vetstar.

  1. Access the history comment using one of the following options:
    • Type history into the command line and press Enter.
    • Click on the Paper/Pencil icon , and then select the History comment.
  2. Enter your text in one of the following ways:
  3. Press F3 or click on the Green Arrow icon to save your changes. Repeat until you exit the screen.


Vetstar Training/Reference Page

Updated 9/17/08 DML

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