Congratulations to Andressa Gonsioroski!

Congratulations to Andressa for winning the first place of the College of Veterinary Medicine Poster Presentation Award!

Congratulations to Andressa Gonsioroski!2019-05-22T16:34:07-05:00

Congratulations to Maddie!

Congratulations to Maddie for getting accepted into the PA School!

Congratulations to Maddie!2019-03-29T18:44:57-05:00

Congratulations to Andressa Gonsioroski!

Congratulation to Andressa for being accepted to give a presentation about her research at the 11th Water and Health Seminar in Cannes, France! Every year, 20 PhD students are invited to present their work and discuss their results with senior academic and industrial researchers at this meeting.

Congratulations to Andressa Gonsioroski!2019-05-22T16:35:59-05:00

Congratulations to Jason!

Congratulations to Jason for choosing the College of Veterinary Medicine at UIUC for his DVM degree! We are glad to have Jason for four more years!

Congratulations to Jason!2019-03-27T18:45:43-05:00

Congratulations to Katie Chiang!

Congratulations to Katie for receiving the Joseph O Alberts Award from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Urbana-Champaign.  This prestigious award is given to 1 graduate student each year for their excellence in research and scholarship!

Congratulations to Katie Chiang!2019-03-27T18:43:10-05:00

Congratulations to Saniya Rattan!

Congratulations to Saniya for winning the second place Best Paper Award at SOT Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology Specialty Section 2019!



Congratulations to Saniya Rattan!2019-03-27T18:37:34-05:00

Congratulations to Genoa Warner!

Congratulations to Genoa for winning the third place Best Post Doc Poster at SOT 2019!

Congratulations to Genoa Warner!2019-03-27T18:38:55-05:00
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