Certificate in Veterinary Science Courses
The Graduate Certificate in Veterinary Science consists of 4 courses for a total of 12 credit hours. The four courses focus on the main concepts taught in the first year of veterinary school.
Students who successfully complete these four courses will receive a Graduate Certificate in Veterinary Science. These 12 credit hours can also be applied toward the Master of Veterinary Science Degree.
CVS Course Information
There are four courses within this graduate certificate, each are 3 credit hours.
VCM 507 Veterinary Form and Function
3 Credit Hours
Students will gain foundational knowledge in anatomy and physiology, with an introduction to case-based thinking and the fundamentals of application, when assessing clinical or herd health problems at the systems level as required in approved courses for the Master of Veterinary Science and the graduate certificate
VCM 509 Biology of Veterinary Pathogens
3 Credit Hours
The course includes an overview of relevant veterinary microbiology and the interaction between microbes and their hosts. The course will build upon knowledge acquired in VCM 507, and relevant physiology pertaining to disease prevalence, prevention, and pathology will be discussed. The host immune system will be highlighted, and important bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites will be studied. Current and emerging pathogens, and the relevance of potential zoonotic spillovers into human populations will be discussion points.
VCM 513 Science of Homeostasis
3 Credit Hours
Students will develop an integrated, science-based approach to health problems by helping them understand how each organ system contributes to whole-body homeostasis. In this graduate-level course, students will be introduced to the concept that life is difficult – that individual animals and populations are continually exposed to internal and external hardships and to specific health challenges. To live healthy and productive lives, animals must resist and/or adapt to a wide range of health ordeals and difficulties. This ability or capacity of an individual to adapt to change and challenge is termed homeostasis and is a key concept in the design and implementation of health management strategies.
Prerequisites: VCM 509
VCM 514 Science of Health Evaluation
3 Credit Hours
Participants will apply their foundational knowledge of anatomy, physiology, immunology, microbiology, and pathology in evaluating and solving health failure problems in the major body systems. The graduate level course will use a problem-driven, case- based approach to train students how to apply the basic principles of health science in solving clinical problems in individual animals. Participants will learn to ask thoughtful, focused, and purposeful questions when collecting clinical data, and how to use a problem-oriented approach in evaluating health problems, constructing inquiry pathways, and in designing therapeutic and disease management strategies.
Prerequisites: VCM 513