Welcome to the All Orange and Blue College of Veterinary Medicine Awards and Scholarships Celebration 2022.
On behalf of the Awards and Scholarship Committee, I would like to express our gratitude for the generous alumni and friends who have sponsored awards and scholarships this year. We also thank our advancement team for their efforts to bring this special event to fruition.
Additionally, we acknowledge the many hard-working students whose scholarship applications we evaluated. Congratulations to each of today’s recipients! This celebration is a recognition of your dedication and accomplishments over the past year.
We live in a rapidly changing world. Although there are amazing technological innovations to improve the health and well-being of people, animals, and the environment, technology alone is never sufficient. To protect and promote health, the world will always need the curiosity, creativity, competence, and commitment of veterinarians, educators, and researchers such as those of you in this room.
Together we celebrate with gratitude for today and hope for tomorrow.
Russhawn Aldridge, Ph.D.
Chair, Awards and Scholarships Committee