Dr. Frances Joan Masser Scholarship
For a veterinary student in good academic standing.
Sponsored by the Dr. Frances Joan Masser Endowment Fund

Corrinne Boyajian
Corrinne, a third-year student from Long Island, N.Y., has a passion for both equine and small animal medicine and an overall interest in cardiology. She enjoys the outdoors and riding horses and plans to practice in an underserved area of northwestern Montana.

Alyssa Mazzoccoli
Alyssa is a first-year student from Chicago, Ill., interested in small or mixed animal private practice and possibly in a surgery or neurology specialty. She hopes to incorporate research into her future career. Alyssa is open to new learning experiences in veterinary medicine.

Margo Renzi
Margo is a fourth-year student from Philadelphia, Pa. She is interested in small animal general practice with opportunities in shelter medicine and community outreach and education.

Kara Scolman
Kara is a second-year student from Denver, Colo. She has a M.S. in Biomedical Science from Colorado State University and has research experience in equine sports medicine. She is interested in small animal medicine and plans to complete a small animal rotating internship after graduation. She is interested in specializing further in neurology or cardiology.