Zoetis Animal Health Veterinary Student Scholarship
For a student in good academic standing and a member of SAVMA.
Sponsored by Zoetis Animal Health

Rachel Angles
Rachel is a third-year student from Bloomington, Ill. She is interested in zoological medicine.

Corrinne Boyajian
Corrinne, a third-year student from Long Island, N.Y., has a passion for both equine and small animal medicine and an overall interest in cardiology. She enjoys the outdoors and riding horses and plans to practice in an underserved area of northwestern Montana.

Tess Cummings
Tess is a second-year student from Danforth, Ill. She is interested in pursuing a career in equine medicine or rural mixed animal practice after graduation.

Lucas Daniels
Luke, a third-year student from Strasburg, Ill., would like to combine his interests in cattle production and research in his career. During clinical rotations he plans to travel West to get more large animal experience.

Cheyenne Dowds
Cheyenne is a second-year student from Valparaiso, Ind. She is interested in emergency medicine because it would allow her to provide care for pets and people when they need it the most.

Crystal Munguia
Crystal is a second-year student from Las Vegas, Nev. She is interested in public health, small animal emergency, and integrated (holistic) medicine. Crystal is an executive board member for several student organizations and hopes to help increase student wellness and inclusion.

Max Paulson
Max is a second-year veterinary student from Homer Glen, Ill. He plans to complete a small animal rotating internship and a residency after graduation. He is currently most interested in neurology, oncology, and ophthalmology.

Alexandria Talley
Dria is a fourth-year student from Otterberg, Germany. She enjoys crocheting but animal welfare is her passion. She plans to join a general practice in Illinois as an exotic animal veterinarian after graduation.

Samantha Triani
Samantha is a third-year student from Romeoville, Ill. She has a passion for reading and traveling to new places. Her veterinary interests include small animal medicine, emergency medicine, and zoological companion animals.

Courtney Wangler
Courtney is a second-year student from a dairy farm in West Branch, Mich. She is interested in large animal medicine, specifically bovine and equine, and wishes to work with farmers in her hometown area after gaining experience at a mixed animal practice.

Brandi Welch
Brandi, a second-year student from Aledo, Ill., plans to work in a food animal/mixed animal practice in a rural setting. She currently holds leadership positions in the Production Medicine Club and Theriogenology Club.