UI CVM Vetstar Information Page
College of Veterinary Medicine*University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Navigating Vetstar

Function Keys and Screen Navigation Icons

You have the option of using the keyboard (function key) or mouse (icon):

Function Key
Mode or Action
Red Arrow icon
Leave a screen after looking up information ('escape out').
Green Arrow
Leave a function after you entered or changed data ('save out'). Note - often you will have to press Esc or F3 more than once to get out of a function.
Window icon
Search for codes when available (you will see '<Window> to Search' in the help message at the bottom left of the screen if a search Window is available). Select from the search results by using the up and down arrows to select the line, then press the RIGHT ARROW key (or click on your choice with the mouse).
Add Icon
Change the screen mode to Add.
For example, to add a procedure in the Charge screen, or a line of text to a comment.
Use Ctrl+F5 to insert a line above the current line).
Change icon
Change mode.
For example, to change a performing date of a procedure.
Delete icon
Delete mode.
Once in this mode, use the up and down arrows to select more lines if desired (you will see the number of delete lines selected at the bottom left of the screen). Press F3 to commit the deletion(s). You will be prompted to enter a short reason for each procedure line deleted.
Expand icon
If the help message at the bottom of the screen indicates that expand mode is available ('<Expand> for more detail>'), this option will display more information on the screen.
  Edit mode (toggle the insert button to change between overwrite and insert modes).

Vetstar Training/Reference Page

Edited 4/30/08 DML

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