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When UI Veterinary Diagnostic Lab procedures are entered in Vetstar, a requisition is generated that prints in the lab area specific to the test(s) ordered.
Detailed instructions on ordering procedures in the Vetstar Charge screen are in the Ordering Procedures in Vetstar page. This page includes information specific to ordering lab tests.
- Find the correct code to enter in the Charge screen Code field.
- When searching for diagnostic lab tests, it is helpful to narrow your search to a group (open a Window in the Code field and click on the Group Search button):
- The Dx (diagnostic lab) and CP (clin path) groups are listed near the bottom of the list:
- When ordering a Dx Lab microbiology test, select those designated with ‘LA’ to print your requisition in the Equine Ward 2 drop off area, and those with ‘SA’ to print and drop off in the Small Animal clinic student lab (145 SAC):
- If you cannot find the code in Vetstar, try the following web site:
Or, send an email to
- If a ‘Y’ appears in the ‘H’ field in your search results line, you may see more information on the procedure by changing to Expand mode (press F9 or click on the Expand icon at the top of the screen):
- Be sure to enter a date into the “Cmp Date” field:
Your requisition will not print if the completion date is left blank!
- Complete the Laboratory Request screen that pops up after you enter the supervising faculty code:
- You must enter a visit History in order to complete the request. Click on the History button and enter it if you have not done so.
- Click on the ‘Test Comments’ button to enter information on the test, such as Cytology tissue sample types and other information you would like to include on the requisition
- Save completely out of the Charge screen to process your request and print your requisition. Save out by pressing the F3 key or clicking on the Green Arrow icon
at the top of the screen until you exit the screen.
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Updated 8/15/08 DML
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