Client/Patient Information Lookup in Vetstar
Click here to download a hard copy of these instructions (PDF format).
Log in and start the Vetstar program:
- Double click the Vetstar icon
on the computer desktop.
- Type your login, then your password at the prompts.
- Press 1 followed by the Enter key to start the Vetstar program.
- When you are finished, use the escape key or red arrow icon at the top of the screen to go to the Main Menu. Select menu #9, Log Out.
In order to access most functions in Vetstar, you must first access an account.
To find an account, enter one of the following options into the Vetstar Command field, then press the Enter key:
- ‘ m’ + the patient’s medical record number:
- The client’s name as “last name, first name”:
- Include a space between the comma and the first name.
- Enter the first few letters of the name if you are not sure of its spelling (for example, “Lynn, Di” will find Lynn, Diane; Lynn, Dianne; and Lynn, Diana).
- * + the patient’s name
- Client last name/patient name:
- The owner’s account number:
If more than one patient and/or owner is found, a window will open with a choice of accounts. If you are using the mouse, find your patient’s account by scrolling through the window, and then click on the account. If you prefer to use the keyboard, use the up and down arrow keys (and Page Up/ Page Down keys if more than one page is displayed) until your patient’s account is highlighted, and then press the right arrow key.
Vetstar Functions for Accessing Patient History and Information
- Visit Summary
For information and reports associated with each visit, access the visit summary using one of the following methods:
- Enter quick command summ into the command field followed by the Enter key.
- Click on the Summary icon
at the left side of the screen. If there are no open visits you will be prompted to pick a visit. If there is an open visit, and you would like to see information about closed visits, click in the ‘Include Closed Visits’ box before you click the ‘OK’ button. Press Enter or click on the Save/Exit button
near the top of the screen to complete the screen and access the visit summary.
- History - Multiple Visit Summary
- Click on the History button
on the left side of the HOME screen to access a report that combines visit summaries for the past 3 years.
- All History
- Enter quick command allrep or click on the Reports button
then double click on
- Patient Profile
In the command field, enter the quick command pp (or click on the binoculars icon) to look up client and patient information. The medical record location is on this screen.
- Phone Numbers
Click on the phone iconto see client and referring vet phone numbers. Change to Expand Mode (press F9 or click on the expand icon
at the top of the screen to view email addresses).
- Account Numbers
- The client’s account number is in the ‘Account’ field at the top left of the screen.
- The medical record number is under the Patient name on the HOME screen.
- Procedure History
Access the procedure history by clicking on the History book iconor by entering quick command ph. This screen lists a summary of every procedure performed on this patient. You may view more information on this screen by changing to Expand mode (press the F9 key or click on the
icon at the bottom of the screen.
- Prescription records
Use quick command rxh to view all prescriptions for the selected patient Change to Expand mode (F9) to see instructions and other information.
- Immunizations
Use quick command vx to view a listing of the selected patients immunization history. (This does not included immunizations done outside of the VTH.)
- Procedure audits
To get a report of all the cases that have had a specific procedure performed, use one of the following quick commands:
procrpt – Follow the directions when completing the screen; if you leave the first date field blank it will report all cases since implementation of Vetstar (May 1999).
prrpt – This produces a report similar to the one generated by procrpt.
prinq – Displays all of the cases directly to the screen; you may go directly to a case by selecting it from the result window.
- Communications Reports
To view communications with clients, referring veterinarians, and other patient contacts: access the patient account and then enter quick command ccom.
- Reviewing patients seen by a section over a date range.
Enter quick command admitrpt and complete the screen. For detailed instructions (PDF format) click here.How to Find Help and Information:
Visit to find Vetstar related information. Click on the ‘Vetstar Instructions’ link on the left side of the page for detailed instructions on using Vetstar. (Enter quick command help into the Command line on the HOME screen to open the Vetstar Instructions web site).
Email with questions or problems with Vetstar
Email for all other computer related issues.Webvad URL (UI Diagnostic Lab results lookup (past 90 days)):
Updated 5/24/12 DML
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