
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Logo
University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine and USDA

This work is funded through the 2018 Farm Bill and administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response program. 


You are invited to participate in an African Swine Fever (ASF) virtual education and outreach program.

What is ASF and why are Florida hogs particularly at risk? 

ASF is highly contagious and deadly.  This viral disease that affects domestic and feral (wild) pigs reached the Caribbean in 2021.

Are you prepared to work with State and Federal Animal Regulatory Agencies and industry stakeholders during a Foreign Animal Disease Outbreak that threatens US livestock production?

What is being done to prevent ASF entry into the US?

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has partnered with the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine to host a USDA sponsored online educational program to bring a broad spectrum of livestock industry stakeholders together to work in collaboration to improve our capability to respond to the threat posed by African Swine Fever. 

What will you gain from your participation?

  • Learn the clinical signs of ASF.
  • Learn how to prevent ASF.
  • Know how to keep it out of your herd and how to increase your disease prevention and biosecurity.
  • Hog Owners: Learn if your herd is at risk and how ASF infection in your herd would affect you.
  • Swine/Pork related stakeholders: Learn how ASF will impact you and your industry.  ASF will have broad impact across many industries if you comes to the US.

Target Audience:

  • Anyone who owns, works with, shows, or hunts pigs for work or as a hobby
    • Even though cattle and poultry aren’t susceptible to ASF and outbreak would potentially have a devastating effect on all livestock and poultry operations in the affected area
    • Understand your role in the disease response
    • Make your voice heard with animal health regulators
  • Production animal and mixed animal practice veterinarians
    • Learn valuable information to help your clients
    • Identify ways to protect your practice from the impact of ASF
  • Swine and pork industry professional organizations and stakeholder groups
    • Advocate for your industry as response plans are being updated
    • Collaborate with regulators on public messaging and marketing plans during an emergency
  • Allied agricultural industries
    • Livestock and poultry feed industry representative
    • Rendering industry
    • Other livestock service industries
  • State and federal animal health regulatory agency personnel

What: Each week for five weeks a new educational module will be posted.  Review the material at your convenience.  This program is interactive.  You will have opportunities to pose questions to your state regulatory officials and subject matter experts from across the country.  Share your perspectives and experiences with other stakeholders.  Retain access to the material for use in the future.

When:  September 5th through October 8th, 2023.

How can I participate: Register.  Feel free to share this invitation with others who may be interested.

How much: Through the generous support of USDA, we are offering this opportunity to you FREE of charge.

Register Today!

Join us for the Upcoming Five Week Course
