Online Continuing Education Courses
The University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine offers a variety of online continuing education courses intended for veterinarians and veterinary professionals to complete.
The University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine offers a variety of online continuing education courses intended for veterinarians to complete. Courses are open to anyone and may be appropriate for other professions within the animal health and care industry (such as, veterinary technicians).
The courses are self-paced and asynchronous, so students may start and stop a course at any time. Students have 150 days (about 5 months) to complete the course. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be granted continuing education (CE) hours and receive a certificate of completion. The College of Veterinary Medicine is an authorized CE provider equivalent to RACE approval.
Continuing Education Courses
Browse current Continuing Education courses below, explore our Online Course Catalog or jump to courses in the following categories:
Biosecurity in Livestock Systems

Understanding and Defining Biosecurity Systems (1 CE Hr)
This course discusses the primary tools at our disposal for designing biosecurity systems.

Managing the Risk of Live Animal Introductions (1 CE Hr)
When we think about potential pathogens moving into herds, new animals entering the herd are the most efficient and easiest way to introduce disease. Understanding the pathogen status of the source herd is the most important decision to make.

Livestock Transportation Biosecurity (1 CE Hr)
The course introduces learners to the biosecurity considerations for transportation of livestock, understanding the risks and mitigation opportunities for disease transmition.

Biosecurity for People, Supply, and Equipment Entry to Livestock Production Systems (1 CE Hr)
In this course, we’re going to think about how people, tools, supplies, and equipment coming into a farm pose a potential risk for pathogen introduction.

Biosecurity Facility Design and Management (1 CE Hr)
This course will go over three big potential routes for pathogen introduction onto a farm. The first being wild animals and insects, the second being transportation of feed into the facility, and finally the removal of deadstock from the farm.
Infectious Disease in Livestock Systems

Understanding Infectious Disease in Herds (1 CE Hr)
This course will introduce using the SIR triangle to understand infectious disease. The SIR triangle is a framework used to assess factors that determine if animals are susceptible, infected, or resistant within herds.

A Systems-based Approach to Controlling Disease in Livestock Production (1 CE Hr)
This course will focus on defining a systems-based approach to controlling disease spread by exploring routes of transmission.

Detecting and Describing Disease in Populations (3 CE Hrs)
This course covers the incidence, prevalence, and case definitions to describe the status of a herd. This course will allow learners to interpret different diagnostic test results by emphasizing sampling and testing strategies in livestock production systems to diagnose infectious diseases

The Management of PRRS (2 CE Hrs)
This course introduces you to the pathobiology of PRRSv, the principles of designing effective diagnostic testing programs, how to establish herd and system goals for PRRS management, and the advantages and disadvantages of available tools for PRRSv control and elimination.

Clinical Small Animal Dentistry (24 CE Hrs)
This course is an intensive study of modern dentistry techniques for dogs and cats.

Canine and Feline Dental Anatomy (3 CE Hrs)
In this module, we’ll learn about important terminology and the clinical applications of dental and paradental anatomy.

Extraction Techniques and Complications (3 CE Hrs)
This course will introduce you to techniques and treatment options associated with the extractions of teeth in dogs and cats.

Veterinary Dental Radiography (3 CE Hrs)
During this course, the normal and abnormal radiographic appearance of canine and feline teeth, their supporting tissues, and surrounding areas will be reviewed.

Canine Dental and Oral Pathology (3 CE Hrs)
Dental and oral abnormalities are the most frequently occurring problems in veterinary practice today. This course teaches learners to recognize dental and oral lesions in dogs.

Feline Dental and Oral Pathology (3 CE Hrs)
This module will teach learners to recognize dental and oral lesions in cats.

Periodontal Disease and Treatment Options (3 CE Hrs)
This course will teach learners to thoroughly examine the oral cavity of patients with periodontal disease, as well as evaluate dental radiographs and treatment of this common condition.

Oral and Dental Trauma (3 CE Hrs)
This course will introduce learners to traumatic injuries involving the mandible, maxilla, temporomandibular joints, palate, soft tissues and the dentition.

Recognition and Management of Benign and Malignant Oral Tumors (3 CE Hrs)
This course will help learners determine whether an intraoral or maxillofacial tumor is benign or malignant.

Safe Prescription of Opioids in Veterinary Care (3 CE Hrs)
In these modules, you will learn about the importance and physiology of pain management in companion animals, as well as the best practices for prescribing opioids to out-patients

A Simple Approach to In-House Cytology (1 CE Hr)
This course is designed for practicing veterinarians who want to improve their in -house cytology or get started in the world of veterinary cytology.

Connected Care (1 CE Hr)
This course is designed to give you all the information you need to determine what role telemedicine is currently playing and how you may utilize it in the future.
All Courses
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