Producing Livestock for Holiday Dinner

What is impacting the record high price of turkeys in the United States? In order to answer this question, you must understand the implications of avian influenza, gas prices, holiday dinners, and customer needs. Dr. Jim Lowe answers all these questions as he breaks down the supply chain from egg to turkey dinner in this […]

How the Avian Flu Impacts Consumers

Egg prices are the highest they have been since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in April, 2020. Learn how migratory water fowl have started circulating the H5N1 virus in commercial chicken flocks resulting in high egg prices. Join Drs. Jim Lowe and Ashley Mitek as they discuss the cause and effect of a highly […]

Man Receives a Pig Heart

A man received a pig’s heart. What does that mean for the future of medicine? Dr. Jim Lowe explains how this was made possible with current technology and discusses with Dr. Ashley Mitek the future medical and ethical implications of genetically altering animals in this recent episode of the Round Barn podcast.

Why Grocery Prices Have Increased?

If you’ve been in a U.S. grocery store lately, you’ve probably noticed your grocery bill has increased significantly. “Food supply is an incredibly complicated logistical process,” states Dr. Jim Lowe as he unpacks how the food supply chain, supply and demand, and changes in our behavior are affecting retail prices. If you want to know why […]

Will COVID go away?

In this week’s episode of The Round Barn podcast, Dr. Ashley Mitek and Dr. Jim Lowe talk about the Omicron variant, and what it could mean for COVID and humans going forward. Dr. Lowe digs into his animal infectious disease background to explain why this virus keeps mutating; why vaccines for it might need semi-annual boosters, […]