Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program Fills a Need

Online Courses Guide Animal Health Career Success

Developing innovative educational programs to advance careers has a long history at the College of Veterinary Medicine. From the EVP certificate program for livestock practitioners, introduced in 1991, to our integrated veterinary curriculum, begun in 2009, the college has created distinctive credentials that deliver value for graduates.

The innovation continues in online programming, where Illinois has a 20-year track record. The latest offering is a certificate program designed for learners who are seeking a competitive edge for admission to veterinary or graduate school or who are retooling their skills for an animal health career.

The post-baccalaureate certificate in Integrated Animal Health Sciences combines individualized career advisement with online coursework that builds critical thinking and problem-solving skills related to animal health challenges.

Students complete four 3-credit-hour courses entirely online and receive a transcript and certificate from the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine. The program can be completed while working full time.

Faculty in the program employ active learning strategies and teamwork to prepare learners to put their new knowledge into action and develop skills they’ll need in the next steps of their careers.

The courses in the post-baccalaureate certificate program can also be applied toward a Master of Veterinary Science degree, pending admission to that program.

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