Are you interested in joining our group? We welcome graduate and undergraduate students who want to work with us. To apply for the Graduate program in Pathobiology, indicate your interest in Epidemiology in your application. If you have an interest in disease ecology, also consider an application to the Interdisciplinary Program in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology.
Marilyn O’Hara Ruiz
Clinical Associate Professor
College of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Pathobiology
2001 South Lincoln Avenue
2639 VMBSB
Urbana, IL 61802, USA
William Brown
GIS Analyst
College of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Pathobiology
2001 South Lincoln Avenue
2535 VMBSB
Urbana, IL 61802, USA
217-333-3386 Voice
Surendra Karki
PhD Student
College of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Pathobiology
2001 South Lincoln Avenue
2434 VMBSB
Urbana, IL 61802, USA
Maya Patrice Scott
PhD Student, Interdisciplinary Environmental Toxicology Scholar
College of Veterinary Medicine,
Department of Pathobiology,
2001 South Lincoln Avenue, Rm 2434 VMBSB, Urbana, IL 61802
Lee Ann Lyons
PhD Student
College of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Pathobiology
2001 South Lincoln Avenue
2535 VMBSB
Urbana, IL 61802, USA
Sulagna Chakraborty
PhD Student & MCE-VBD Intern
College of Applied Health Sciences
Department of Kinesiology & Community Health
Champaign, IL 61820, USA

Nicole Staton
Second Year Veterinary Student & MCE-VBD Intern
College of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Pathobiology
Urbana, IL 61802, USA
Grace Newton
MCE-VBD Intern & Geography MA Student
Vancouver, British Columbia
Trisha Rentschler
MS 2015, Department of Pathobiology
Thesis: The variable contribution of larval habitats on the production of mosquitoes that transmit West Nile virus: A landscape epidemiology approach
Imelda K. Moise
PhD, Department of Geography 2013
Thesis: Health risk differentials: implications of neighborhood conditions on various health outcomes in New Orleans
Varun Goel
MS 2013, Department of Geography
Thesis: A spatial risk assessment of hemorrhagic disease in cattle in Illinois from 2005 to 2011
Cassie Jo Lothery
DVM student, class of 2018
2015 CVM Summer Research Training Program
Project title: “Risky business: Factors that contribute to the presence of human cases of West Nile virus in the Chicago area”