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Courses at the University of Illinois

  • February 8-9, 2018: Practical statistics and models to understand vector-borne diseases.  This 2-day workshop, geared toward public health, mosquito and vector control personnel, will provide an overview of statistics and models specific to vector-borne diseases. It will be taught at the UIUC College of Veterinary Medicine in Urbana, IL.  Registration is only $25 per person. Follow the link for more details.
  • Spatial Epidemiology – Offered Spring 2014/2016/2018. Course description: Patterns of health and disease in place and time; application of geographic information systems; analysis of time-space relations; clusters and diffusion of disease; geographic epidemiology of selected infectious and noninfectious diseases. Same as GEOG 560. Prerequisite: CHLH 474 or equivalent, or VM 608 or PATH 517 or equivalent; PATH 524 or SOC 485 or equivalent.
    GEOG/PATH 560           Flyer for 560     Example syllabus from 2014 
  • One Health India Study Abroad – Offered as per demand. If you are interested in taking this course, please contact Marilyn O’Hara Ruiz at
    VM 613 / PATH 494       Syllabus
  • Health Applications of GIS – Offered Spring 2015/2017/2019. Course description: Students use spatial technologies and data to address issues of health. Topics include disease outbreak surveillance and response, environmental factors such as climate and socio-economic context, and the medical and other data needed to spatial analysis of health information. Application-based learning and class lectures are complemented by readings, guest lectures and class discussions. Geographic information system and global positioning system use is covered with examples drawn from public and veterinary health. Same as GEOG 439 and CHLH 439. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Approved for letter and S/U grading. Prerequisite: An introductory statistics course such as ACE 261, CHLH 244, ECON 202, GEOG 280 or equivalent.
  • Geographic Methods for Health– Offered every other Spring. Course description: An introduction to geographic information system software and applications through lectures and exercises. Uses application-based learning to address topics related to spatial analysis and mapping for animal and public health. Exercises include making maps of disease occurrence and disease rates, using census data for population estimates, and creating maps that combine environmental factors with patterns of illness. 1 graduate hour. 1 professional hour. Approved for letter and S/U grading. Credit is not given for both PATH 642 and PATH 439.                                               PATH 642