Envirovet Summer Institute

Envirovet Summer Institute Faculty List
Terrestrial Program
White Oak Conservation Center

Dr. Mishkat Al-Moumin
Women and the Environment Organization
1629 K St, NW Suite 300
Washington DC 20036
T: 202-355-6397
E: Moumin@wateo.org

Dr. Val Beasley
Dept of Comparative Biosciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Illinois
2001 South Lincoln Ave.
Urbana, IL 61802
T: 217-333-9360
E: val@illinois.edu

Dr. Gale Bishop
Director, Museum of Geology
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
501 East St. Joseph Street
Rapid City, SD 57701
E: gabishop@mato.com

Dr. Scott Citino
White Oak Conservation Center
581705 White Oak Road
Yulee, Florida 32097
T:  904-225-3387
E:  scottc@wogilman.com

Dr. Patricia Conrad
School of Veterinary Medicine
University of California, Davis
1 Shields Ave.
Davis, CA 95616
T: 530-752-7210
E: paconrad@ucdavis.edu

Dr. Mike Cranfield
UC Davis Wildlife Health Center
and Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project, Inc.
Druid Hill Park
Baltimore, MD 21217
T:  443-552-3385
E:  cranfield.mike@gmail.com

Thomas J. Dawson, Esq.
Assistant Attorney General
Wisconsin Department of Justice
123 W. Washington Avenue
P.O. Box 7857
Madison, WI 53707‑7857
T:  608-266-8987
E:  dawsontj@doj.state.wi.us

Dr. Jon Erickson
University of Vermont
344 Aiken Center
Burlington, VT 05405-0088
T:  802-656-3328
E:  jon.erickson@uvm.edu

Dr. Patricia Erickson
Dept of Animal Science
212 Terrill Hall
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT 05405
T: 802-656-1338
E: patricia.erickson@uvm.edu

Dr. Heather Eves
Bushmeat Crisis Task Force, and
Virginia Tech University
5607 7th Street South
Arlington VA 22204
T: 703-820-8647
E: heather.eves@aya.yale.edu

Dr. John Fischer
Southeast Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study
College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
T:  706-542-1741
E:  jfischer@vet.uga.edu

Dr. Greg Fleming
Disney's Animal Kingdom
P.O Box 10000
Lake Buena Vista, FL
T: 407-938-1925

Dr. Kirsten Gilardi
Wildlife Health Center
School of Veterinary Medicine
University of California
1 Shields Ave
Davis, CA 95616
T: 530-752-4896
E: kvgilardi@ucdavis.edu

Dr. Dean Goeldner
Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Subcommittee
Committee on Agriculture
House of Representatives
1301 Longworth House Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20515
T: 202-225-8407

Dr. Gwen Griffith
Cumberland River Compact/EPA Watershed Project
836 West Hillwood Drive
Nashville, TN 37204
T: 615-353-0272
E: AVEGwen@aol.com

Mr. Royce Hayes
St. Catherines Island
182 Camellia Rd
Midway, GA 31320
T: 912-884-5002
E: rhhayes@clds.net

Dr. Rob Hilsenroth
Exec Director, AAZV
White Oak Conservation Center
581705 White Oak Road
Yulee, Florida 32097
T: 904-225-3275
F: 904-225-3289
E: RhilsenrothAAZV@aol.com

Dr. Dave Hunter
Turner Enterprises, Inc.
1123 Research Drive
Bozeman, MT 59718
T:  406-556-8509
E:  dave.hunter@retranches.com

Dr. Nick Kapustin
Jacksonville Zoo
370 Zoo Parkway
Jacksonville, FL 32218
T: 904-757-4463
E: Kapustinn@jacksonvillezoo.org

Dr. Kevin Keel
Southeast Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study
College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
T:  706-542-1741
E:  kkeelr@vet.uga.edu

Dr. Tim Keith-Lukas
University of the South –
Sewanee College
735 University Ave
Sewanee, TN 37383
T:  931-598-1000
E:  tkeithlu@sewanee.edu

Dr. Lin Klein
New Bolton Center
School of Veterinary Medicine
University of Pennsylvania
382 W. Street Rd.
Kennett Square, PA 19363
T: 610-925-6262
E: lvklein@vet.upenn.edu

Dr. Tom Lovejoy
H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment
1001 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Suite 735 South
Washington, DC 20004
T: 202-737-6307
E: lovejoy@heinzctr.org

Dr. Ted Mashima
Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges
1101 Vermont Avenue NW
Suite 301
Washington, DC 20005-3536
T: 202 371-9195, ext 18
E: tmashima@aavmc.org

Dr. Jonna Mazet
Wildlife Health Center
UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
1 Shields Ave.
Davis, CA 95616
T:  530-752-4167
E:  jkmazet@ucdavis.edu

Dr. Susan Mikota
Elephant Care International
166 Limo View Lane
Hohenwald, TN 38462
T: 931-796-7102
E: smikota@elephantcare.org

Dr. Phil Miller
Conservation Breeding Specialist Group
12101 Johnny Cake Ridge Rd.
Apple Valley, MN 55124-8151
T:  952-997-9802
E:  pmiller@cbsg.org

Dr. Terry Norton
St. Catherine’s Island
Wildlife Survival Center
182 Camelia Road
Midway, GA 31320
T:  912-884-5005
E:  tnmynahvet@aol.com

Dr. Steve O’Brien
Laboratory of Genomic Diversity
National Cancer Institute
Frederick Building 560
Room 21-105
Frederick, MD  21702-1201
T: 301-846-1296
E: stephen.obrien@nih.gov

Ms. Jackie Ogden
VP of Disney's Animal Programs and Environmental Initiatives
Box 10000
Lake Buena Vista, FL. 32830
T: 407-939-2468
E: Jackie.ogden@disney.com

Dr. Steve Osofsky
Field Veterinary Program
Wildlife Conservation Society
11697 Fox Glen Drive
Oakton, Virginia  22124 USA
T: 703-716-1029
E: sosofsky@wcs.org

Dr. Linda Penfold
White Oak Conservation Center
581705 White Oak Road
Yulee, Florida 32097
T:  904-225-3380 x 3607
E:  lindap@wogilman.com


Dr. Robin Radcliffe
International Rhino Foundation/Cornell University
1 Armstrong Road
Lansing, New York 14882
T: 607-253-4314
E: RobinR@fossilrim.org

Dr. Al Segars
South Carolina Dept of Natural Resources/Marine Resources Div
32 Fiddler Drive
Beaufort, SC 29907
T: 843-770-9908
E:  alsegars@hargray.com

Mr. Steve Shurter
Gilman International Conservation
White Oak Conservation Center
581705 White Oak Road
Yulee, Florida 32097
T:  904-225-3200
E:  steves@wogilman.com

Dr. Mark Stetter
Director of Veterinary Services
Disney's Animal Programs
Box 10000
Lake Buena Vista, FL. 32830
T: 407-939-7352
F: 407-938-3266
E: Mark.stetter@disney.com

Dr. William Swanson
Center for Conservation and Research of Endangered Wildlife
Cincinatti Zoo 3400 Vine St
Cincinnati, OH 45220
T:  513-961-2739
E:  William.Swanson@cincinnatizoo.org

Ms. Cyd Teare
White Oak Conservation Center
581705 White Oak Road
Yulee, Florida 32097
T:  904-225-3200
E: csteare@wogilman.com

Ms. Kelly Williamson
White Oak Conservation Center
581705 White Oak Road
Yulee, Florida 32097
T:  904-225-3316
E: kwilliamson@wogilman.com

Dr. Jeffery Zuba
San Diego Wild Animal Park
15500 San Pasqual Valley Rd.
Escondido, CA 92027-7017
T:  760-291-5404
E:  jzuba@sandiegozoo.org