Dr. Aaron Smiley

Chief of Staff Advisor

Dr. Aaron Smiley is a dedicated veterinarian at the Devonshire Veterinary Clinic, located in Anderson, Indiana. In addition to his hands-on work with animals, he contributes to VetCor in a strategic capacity as a Chief of Staff Advisor.

Previously, Dr. Smiley led the Indiana Veterinary Medical Association as its president, and he’s recognized as one of the founding members of the Veterinary Virtual Care Association. He was the editor of the Telemedicine addition of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice in 2022 and is the chief veterinarian in the human healthcare system, Medi.ci.

His commitment to education led him to design a digital care course for the University of Illinois iLearning Center, broadening the horizons for the next generation of medical practitioners.

Across the country, Dr. Smiley is a respected speaker on topics of leadership and veterinary telemedicine. Known for his engaging style, he combines entertainment with practical advice to deliver impactful lectures.

Aaron Smiley